Silver Level Sponsorship
- Invitation to Zoominars
- Monthly Newsletter
- Introduction Video
- Swami Video
- Facebook Group link
- Official Absurdification from Swami
- Digital 12-Habits of Unity book
- Monthly Habit Helper Kits - to print and use as reminders in your own life - “Kit” - includes, the Up-wising and Unifying Promise, bookmark, flyer, & small poster
- Swami Unboxed set (all of Swami’s e-books and audio content)
- Wake Up Laughing Tutorial ($59 value, reduced from $129)
Swami Zoom event ($1,000 value)
Acknowledgment on Founding Sponsors Page
Invitation to monthly Brainstorming Zoominars
Contributing Partner Packet, Hardback copies of books, etc.
Direct access to staff for ideas and input.
Silver Sponsor