12 Habits for All of Us
The Playful Path to Oneness - A Sillybus.
by Steve Bhaerman, Elaine Parke, Kurt Griffith,
Swami Beyondananda ...and You

Peace and Unity… one habit, one person, and one month at a time.
For all of you who’ve graciously allowed us into your crowded inboxes these past months, we have a holiday gift for you, our special guide - 12 Habits for All of Us – The Playful Path to Oneness - A Sillybus.
A guide to personal conscious evolution through the 12 Habits for All of Us, by Steve Bhaerman, Elaine Parke, Kurt Griffith, Swami Beyondananda ...and You.
Along with our introductory video, our monthly habit videos, and Swami’s cosmic comic take on each of the 12 Habits, we are providing this Sillybus for two purposes –
The “serious” purpose is to outline, contextualize, and summarize each monthly habit of unity, and offer as many ways as possible to help our peer participants hold the intention, and find their own ways to practically practice the habits.
The second purpose reflects the “silly” part of the Sillybus – reminding us that when it comes to evolutionary change, fun is fundamental!
Thank you for being a part of this ongoing experiment in conscious evolution. Each and every one of you are helping to make the world that we all share better.
Those of you able to contribute to our work, we have nothing but gratitude. Even small amounts help with the very real material costs of doing this work! We really appreciate it! Thank you so very much.
The 12 Habits Team