Media Contact
12 Habits Team members, Elaine Parke, Steve Bhaerman, and Swami Beyondananda are available as interview guests, and speakers or as consultants to assist you if you would like to begin a 12 Habits 4 All of Us campaign in your own community or on your public media or social media outlet.
Please use our Contact Form with your requests or contact We look forward to hearing from you as we mobilize the 12 Habits for good across America and beyond.
Mail Address:
12 Habits 4 All of Us / All of Us, Inc.
PO Box 101, Berkeley Springs, WV 25411
WARNING! This book is habit-forming & may cause a happier life.
“Now more than ever, America needs this unifying year-round mental health plan, deemed a social invention by the London Institute and already proven successful by social transformation visionary, Elaine Parke.”
– Melvin H. Steals, PhD, Educator and Grammy Award winning Songwriter
This isn’t a book ABOUT habits – it is a HABIT-FORMING book. When you take it home and begin your “one-minute-a day” habit building adventure, your life and your outlook will brighten. Please use your social media power to share the colorful monthly messages with others. Together, we can overcome the pain of a divided America with the power of goodness, because it is in these aspects of our citizenship that we are all equal.

Download Press Resources.
12 Habits Of Unity Front Cover - Medium Resolution
Download PDF Document - 900 x 1350, 150 ppi, 1.4 MB
12 Habits of Unity Front Cover - High Resolution, suitable for print
Download PDF Document - 3599 x 5400, 600 ppi, 8.73 MB
12 Habits of Unity Back Cover - Medium Resolution
Download PDF Document - 900 x 1350, 150 ppi, 2.29 MB
Elaine Parke - Author Cover Headshot
Download PDF Document - 450 x 676, 72 ppi, 663 KB
Elaine Parke Press Sheet & 12 habits Stats
Download PDF Document - 485 KB
12 Habits Program Statistictiscal Summary
Download PDF Document - 690 KB
DC Initiative Press Release for Independent National Convention, 3/28/23 Download PDF Document - 4-pages. 232K
DC Initiative Civil “Rites” Press Release, 3/28/23
Download PDF Document - 2-pages. 155K
12 Unity Habits For Kids’ Sake - KDKA TV -30 second spots aired daily and grouped by their focus on each month’s habit. Aired daily between 1999 and 2001
This Video shows how a major market CBS affiliate used the 12 Unity Habits as public service announcements to support Pittsburgh families and youth. Each month they engaged their anchor news broadcasters to promote one of the 12 family values. Treating each other better leads to a more peaceful environment. The mini-ads spawned hundreds of western Pennsylvania communities and schools to bring the 12 habits into their own local locations.
Kids do Art For Peace
All of Us, Inc. Legacy Video - Video of 12 Habits themed student art, assembled and produced by All of Us, Inc. - circa 2008
ALL OF US, INC 1990's 12 Habits 30-Seconds "Ads"
12 Habits 30-second “ads” - locally written, directed and produced by volunteer students and citizens in Pittsburgh region - 1994-1998
Interviews by Elaine Parke
Elaine Parke has been featured in numerous media outlets and publications.
Read My Lips – COOL Conversations with Creatives on Video Podcast “RadioRed”
Elaine Parke shares her myth-busting 12 habits campaign with RadioRed- 8/23/21
​Law You Should Know – 12 Habits of Highly Effective Lawyers - 6/25/21 – (opens in new window)
12 Habits for Wonderful People in West Virginia - 2017
This Week in Morgan County (WV) – hosted by Russell Mokhiber
Elaine Parke Talks About What Makes 12 Unity Habits Different - 2017
Elaine Parke talks to Liz McCormick from West Virginia Public Radio about funding and the marketing strategies and advertising concepts that makes this program different from all the others out there.
Watch on YouTube – Opens in New Window
How Do You Want To Be Right Now? - 2017
Elaine Parke describes to Liz McCormick of West Virginia Public Broadcasting, how the 12 Habits For Wonderful People keeps kids and community citizens engaged in the program.
Watch on YouTube – Opens in New Window
12 Unity Habits for PEACE in Rwanda
The caring Habits protocol is being practiced in Rwanda to reconcile communities and help create a peaceful atmosphere of cooperation.
12 Caring Habits – Maplewood – 2008-09
Maplewood High School’s teacher, Louise Rice directed the student created videos of the schools activities related to the 12 Unity Habits – then called Caring Habits. They are amazingly punchy with catchy music a group effort of terrific creativity and student involvement.
Watch On YouTube – Opens in New Window
12 Caring Habits – Maplewood – 2007-08
Maplewood High School’s teacher, Louise Rice directed the student created videos of the schools activities related to the 12 Unity Habits – then called Caring Habits. They are amazingly punchy with catchy music a group effort of terrific creativity and student involvement.
Watch on YouTube – Opens in New Window
Caring Habits “Lighten UP” Day in November at Maplewood
Maplewood's 7th and 8th grade focus on November's Positive Attitude theme with "Reduce Stress" morning activities.
Some interview & speaking topics include:

Rotarian and author Elaine Parke, speaking about her peacekeeping trip to Rwanda to a Rotary Club near Pittsburgh, PA. She is wearing a Rwandan sari, and the Caring Habits logo for Rwanda is on the podium in front of her.
​Happy People Don’t Cheat or Lie
Really happy people feel integrated with family and community, knowing that at the very least, they don’t take unfair advantage of others.
Our Forefathers Fell Short; They Failed to Write a Bill of Responsibilities.
As reactive revolutionaries, our founding fathers touted citizen rights at the expense of exhorting citizen responsibilities to honor and dignify one another – the “by the people” part.
DIY – “Do It Yourself” Mental Health
Just one magic minute a day is your gateway to a more satisfied and happier life.
How to lighten up and live happier right now.
Everybody needs dignity. “The fine art of making “suggestions” with appealing call-to action blurbs like, “Help Others,” “Be Grateful,” “Show a Positive Attitude,” and “Resolve Conflicts.”
The one-minute a day mental health diet for everyone
A diet of “Mind minutes” nourishes the soul as a good food diet nourishes the body.
12 Habits of a Highly Effective Business
A harmonious business and corporate climate, that equally respects every employee’s contribution, is really good for the bottom line.
Understanding why America’s culture is so narcissistic?
We were founded on the principle that our rights as citizens overwhelmingly dominate our responsibilities - and that this is the heart of our democracy.
Myth-Busting Our National Blind Spot
We all think making a better America is somebody else’s job AND that everybody else is to blame for whatever goes wrong.
We Buy Insurance From a Lizard.
But we haven’t figured out that the ad pros (like me), who do that – can also motivate us to “buy into” getting along better with one another.
Living the Golden Rule is just plain common sense.
Build better relationship habits with 12 months of one minute magic moments that inspire togetherness just like holidays do.
Try the mental health diet plan to shed stress during holidays
December’s mental health habit is “Celebrate Community Family & Friends. People are priceless, not things – even gifts.
Learn 12 Good Citizenship Habits from a Kid/Puppy MOM with an advertising MBA
“Training puppies, kids, and consumers is exactly the same process. Keep repeating and reinforcing and repeating and reinforcing the desired actions; all with lots of lively LOVE.” EP