Welcome to the 12 Habits Join The Up-wising Shop
If you’re here at our Shop, you already know that The 12 Habits of Unity is not just “about” habits. Our intention is to mobilize ourselves and others to uplift ourselves and “be the change” we want to see – TOGETHER – by strengthening ourselves… one habit forming month at a time.
The more you remind yourself, the easier it is to form good habits. Remember those “sticky notes” we often use to write reminders? Well, here in our Shop are items to help you personally keep on the Peer Participant Path to a happier life.
Also, you, like us, might like the 12 habits messages to grow nationwide. With the help of media, which is expensive, March’s habit to “Resolve Conflicts” might become “National Resolve Conflicts Month.” This is why we’re asking for your partnership and your sponsorship at whatever level you can afford.
Books, CDs/DVDs & Printed Stuff
Supporters, Members and Sponsors
All your contributions, Memberships and Sponsorships go towards the non-trivial real-world costs of getting the 12 Habits of Unity word out, web site, emails, streaming, video production, graphics, printing, the NPO paperwork at All of Us, Inc, all the things. - We really appreciate it!