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Join the Golden Rule Revolution


Humankind has known the Golden Rule for more than 4,000 years but in today’s caustic and divisive climate, we are far from it being a widespread practice among us. As oxymoronic as it may seem, "guiding the future civility of civilization" is a category, not on any nonfiction publishing check list. Yet, at this precipitous moment, coordinating improved local, national, ad global relations for planetary survival itself, is critically needed as an emerging category for dialogue among us.


This Golden Rule Revolution book is the first with a prescription for guiding us toward more civility in the future, because it organizes actionable Golden Rule principles into an orderly year-round path to peace, one month at a time.  As Martin Luther King says, “Those who want peace must become as organized as those who want war.”   Anyone who wants to uplift their own lives while helping to heal one another, will love becoming our common good. This model is a secularly palpable, 21st century version of spiritual and religious truths known, but poorly practiced, for many millennia. This book includes its own set of colorful monthly bookmarks for you to use as daily reminders.

Join the Golden Rule Revolution

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