January - Help Others
In January, Remember to ...
January is the beginning of a fresh new year and a great time to carry on the spirit of holiday giving. This month, when you see the color aqua, “Gentle” Aqua, that is, think of how valuable you are, and that you can help others each day, even with a smile.
Perhaps you have made your New Year’s resolution and perhaps not. Either way I want to start your year by sharing with you, one of the loveliest treasures I have found on this GOLDEN RULE REVOLUTION journey. I have presented it to you as a January Promise.
Goal for the Month: To lift our spirits and the spirits of others by caring and sharing and giving.

February - You Count!
In February, Remember...
You Count!
This month’s celebration color is WOW! Fuchsia. Whenever I see or wear the color Fuchsia, I will remember that I count and that I make a difference wherever I go.
In February, we celebrate Black History Month. This is because we want black Americans and Americans of every color to know that they are very important in the successful progress of our country. Feeling that “You Count” is to feel worthy, to know you have value, and know that you are good and have the power to do good.
One of the reasons I wrote this book is because it never made sense to me that some people valued some lives more than others based on silly physical differences. The habits in this book are all about the unifying qualities that we have in common. Focusing
on these shared qualities inspire a whole lot more unity among us than emphasizing minor differences, blown way out of proportion.
When you know you count, you know you have a purpose and that you were born with gifts to fulfill that purpose. Each day we use our time, our thoughts, and our energy. Together we could turn all of us into humane beings more than just human beings. Humane beings are generous, democratic, forgiving, kind hearted, unselfish and amiable. Wouldn’t that be great?
Goal for the Month:
To know that you count and to BELIEVE it.

March – Resolve Conflicts
Last month, in February, we focused on our individual worth, personal empowerment, and on self-esteem. Individual efforts do quite a bit to change the world around us, but we can do so much more if we resolve conflicts and work together more often.
A dove has always been a symbol for peace so the color of peaceful dove gray is the celebration symbol for March’s habit to Resolve Conflicts. Even if you began this month like a lion, decide to go out like a lamb. If losing your temper too quickly adds to the stress of
conflicts with others, work on calming yourself down and taking time outs when you feel your emotional temperature rising.
The late advice columnist, Ann Landers, once suggested that we observe a National Reconciliation Day. As part of making this book
work for you, you now have one whole month to do that—this month of March.
Goal for the Month: Patch-up a relationship with at least one person.

April - Take Care of Our Environment
Take Care of Our Environment
It’s APRIL—time to refresh and renew our interest in the outdoors. Think green... “Spring” Green. Pick a nice day and go outside, take a deep breath and smell the fresh spring breeze. Ahhhhhhhh...
That big breath of fresh air in our lungs is a good reminder to renew our commitment to the outdoor environment and to the future of the fragile planet we share. What we take care of today will be preserved for future generations. This is a time for us to appreciate and enjoy the beauty of the natural world.
The supreme reality of our time is the vulnerability of this, our planet.
— John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States
Goal for the Month:
Select an environmental project as simple as planting a tree in your own yard.

May - Be Grateful
Be Grateful
“Be Grateful” is a perfect mental health Habit for May. During this special month we celebrate both Memorial Day and Mother’s Day. Also, teachers, government service workers and many volunteers across America are honored and appreciated for all they do.
A great health tip for May is to show gratitude to your own body with some extra exercise. Experts tell us that exercise can make you feel happier because it produces changes in the parts of the brain that regulate stress and anxiety. At the very least, take more walks or take the stairs instead of elevators when you can.
Also, think pink this month. “Grateful Pink,” is for Mom and for all those you appreciate everywhere. When I see or wear pink, I think “Grateful Pink” and of someone I can appreciate.
Goal for the Month: In addition to appreciating others, take time to appreciate yourself — do something you’ve always wanted to do!

June - Reach Higher
This month’s celebration color is “JOLT Orange.” It cries out to be different. Use it as your secret reminder to encourage yourself and to have faith that you will accomplish your goals. Know that you CAN do it—whatever it is.
Let June’s daily messages inspire and uplift you and set you free from the boundaries around you. Of all of the twelve Habits, this month’s “Reach Higher” needs to be inspired to be achieved. We are able to bloom and grow in direct proportion to our willingness to dream.
Millions long for immortality who don’t know what to do on a rainy afternoon.
— Susan Ertz, British American Author
Goal for the month: Break free of procrastination. Do the important task that you have been putting off for too long.

July - Become Involved
In JULY, I remember to…
“Become Involved” is what America’s founding fathers did when they knew they could create a better life for the early colonists. Because our founders were revolting against their loss of rights under Britain’s rule, they created a Bill of Rights along with the Constitution. What they failed to do is to balance those rights with a list of responsibilities for all of us to practice to be good citizens in our democracy. Good citizenship is more than just voting. July is a great month to give meaning to your 4th of July Celebration by volunteering your time to a cause that is important to you.“Patriot Red” is just the color to encourage you to do it!
Red signifies a pioneering, patriotic spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition and determination. It is also a warm and positive color associated with our most physical needs and our will to survive. Because the dangerous COVID virus is still ever-present, the health benefits of cleanliness and hygiene have become even more important.
Goal for the month: Have a great summer by volunteering at least some of your time

August - Know Who You Are
This above all, to thine own self be true
And it must follow as the night the day
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
— William Shakespeare, British Playwright, Hamlet
August is the summation of 12 Habits of Unity the month to evaluate who you are and how well you “walk your talk.” When each of us is becoming our better selves, then we are also becoming more unified in America. We are increasing our focus on what we have in common – while honoring the ways in which we are different.
August is a slower paced month of vacations—a time to relax and also to reflect. Your habit-building color for this month is “Thoughtful Blue.” Encourage yourself in August to reflect on your values and where “you” are taking your own future.
Goal for the Month: Be able to write down your own values about family, children, personal behavior, work performance and your role in your community.

September - Do your Best
Kids are going back to school and vacation traffic is winding down. It’s time to anchor our resolve to do well, start fresh, and begin again. This month’s celebration color is “Award” GOLD.” Whenever I see the color GOLD, I remember that my life and what I do with it each day is important. Whenever I see GOLD, I also remember the GOLDEN RULE.
Optimistic and positive gold, adds richness and warmth to everything—it illuminates and enhances everything. It is associated with higher ideals, wisdom, understanding and enlightenment. It inspires knowledge, spirituality and a deep understanding of the self and the “soul.”
We’ve heard it said that “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Starting something difficult or new is a great time to remember that. Writing this book, for instance, has been a glorious adventure in joy and in perseverance! It takes lots of patience and lots of practice to just “hang in there.” Minutes become monuments one at a time.
Goal for the month:
Pick a task, even a small one, and give it all you’ve got!

October - Be Patient and Listen
In OCTOBER, remember to…
Having known about and lived through the twelve-month cycle of the 12 Unity Habits for 30 years now, I welcome October as the month to rest my weary soul. I see peaceful joy in the breathtakingly colorful autumn nature show outside my home and office. I love the sense of calm and quiet appreciation of beauty that I feel under the influence of “Be Patient and Listen.”
This month’s celebration color is Slow-down LAVENDER. Whenever I see the color LAVENDER, I feel quieter, more tuned to listening, and more connected to those who pass through my day. Lavender encourages calmness and tranquility of mind and is useful for both self-reflection and invoking a relaxed, meditative state.
Think about being patient and listening as safety measures when you are driving. The accident statistics attributed to “road rage” are sobering. Driving is a time to remember something a friend of mine once said, “Help everyone that you can, and if you cannot help them, at least don’t hurt them.” Drive carefully this month, with caring and respect for others on the road with you.
Goal for the Month: Find the patience to make cherished memories out of more moments this month.

November - Show A Positive Attitude
In NOVEMBER, remember to…
This is my favorite month’s habit, to Show a Positive Attitude. Our celebration color is SUNNY Yellow. Yellow is cheerful - the radiance of the day’s new sun as it first rises into the morning sky. This is the month to work on our perspective about life and to share a positive attitude more often. Sometimes it is necessary to “Fake it ‘til we make it.”
When we do this, we often find that a “true” positive attitude will come about more quickly. Meanwhile, we’ve curtailed our negative ripples from spreading out to other family, friends, and co-workers. Enjoy the moments as they happen this month and especially the joy of Thanksgiving with friends and family. Make positive memories to savor again and again.
Research shows that optimists adjust better to stressful situations than people who have more negative outlooks. This means that working on your optimism and positivity is actually good for your health.
GOAL for the Month:
On every excursion, wear JOY in your smile.

December - Celebrate Community, Family and Friends
In DECEMBER, remember to…
December is the last month of the calendar year. This great month of holidays gives me a chance to celebrate you - my readers and friends. December’s celebration color is EVER-Green. When I see an evergreen tree, I am reminded of the constancy of relationships throughout our lives.
Evergreen renews and restores depleted energy. It is the sanctuary away from the stresses of modern living, restoring us back to a sense of well-being. We are reminded that it is family and friends and community that are the abiding and enduring aspects of a fulfilling life. Practicing this Unity Habit is a way to keep it all together during the rough spots.
Whether finely-seamed or tattered and torn, relationships are the fabric threads that connect us to one another. “Celebrate Community, Family and Friends’’ wraps up the year and captures the essence of what the holiday season is all about, no matter what religious or humanistic belief you hold.
Goal for December: Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.